Porta Di San Ranieri

This term we are creating a replica of the Porta Di San Ranieri of Pisa. We will be looking at different materials that can be used in casting processes in order to produce a replica of the door to scale. (We will only be focusing on one of the doors between 7 of us.)


This door was created by Bonanno Pisano in the late twelfth century and originally resided in the Cathedral of Pisa; it miraculously survived a fire that destroyed the cathedral in 1595 and is now preserved in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo. The door is made up of twenty-four bronze plates, which are fixed by frames applied to the wooden support structure by iron nails that are hidden by the bronze rosettes.


The panels on the door tell the story of Jesus in scenes (reading from the bottom up, horizontally, from left to right) from the New Testament.
Panels as named and translated from Italian to English:

  1. Sei Profeti – Six Prophets
  2. Sei Profeti – You prophets
  3. Annunciazione – Annunciation
  4. Visitazione – Visitation
  5. Natività – Nativity
  6. Cavalcata dei Magi con Peccato originale – Cavalcade of the Magi with Original Sin
  7. Pravalcata dei Magi con Peccato originale – Presentation in the Temple
  8. Fuga in Egitto – Flight into Egypt
  9. Strage degli Innocenti – Massacre of the Innocents
  10. Battesimo – Baptism
  11. Tentazione – Temptation
  12. Trasfigurazione – Transfiguration
  13. Resurrezione di Lazzaro – Raising of Lazarus
  14. Entrata a Gerusalemme – Entry into Jerusalem
  15. Lavanda dei piedi – Washing of the Feet
  16. Ultima Cena – Last Supper
  17. Bacio di Giuda – Kiss of Judas
  18. Crocifissione – Crucifixion
  19. Discesa al Limbo – Descent into Limbo
  20. Resurrezione – Resurrection
  21. Ascensione – Ascension
  22. Morte della Vergine – Death of the Virgin
  23. Cristo in gloria – Christ in Glory
  24. Maria in gloria – Mary in Glory